Children in a school for Awakening the Human Potential
speak and write English well
Learn Social Studies and Science with great conceptual clarity
Love solving problems in Math
but that is a very tiny part of what they do!
In every 40-minute period children explore and habitually develop deep Cognitive intelligence, Social intelligence, Emotional intelligence, Metacognition and imbibe values.

When it comes to Textbooks vs Studio, Chrysalis studios are way ahead. Regular textbooks are filled with chunks of texts with no activities. The questions in classroom textbooks are such that they promote rote learning. But that's not the case with Chrysalis studios. The information is presented through colourful images and activities so students understand and retain what they've learned. Sub-activities and questions ensure that concepts are thoroughly understood. In Thinkroom studio, plain text is minimal and they look like colourful comics that students will be eager to pick up even when they are not in the classroorn. Simple and easy to understand, skill building studios take care of knowledge, understanding, application, and skill which are the basis of any standardised test.

Uniqueness of Chrysalis Studios
Encourages students to think logically, creatively, and critically. Every student gets to develop and showcase their thinking, expressions, talent and skills in their Studio.
The Studio offers a beautiful canvas for our students to showcase their learning and understanding. Filled with fun and colourful pictures, ThinkRoom books, called the Studio, are designed based on deep pedagogical research. Every activity in the studio is carefully chosen, designed and aligned to grade-appropriate learning outcomes.

The child is engaged at every step of learning.

Concepts are derived and not just 'told' to students.

Child applies concepts in real-life context.

Lessons cater to different learning styles.

Values integrated in every lesson.

Free spaces for expressions improve student thinking.

Low-stake assessments in every lesson to asses conceptual understanding of children.
Children don't just learn to solve problems in Mathematics, but they even create problem in Math

Chrysalis's proprietary 4 facets of Thinking: Look Deep, Look Around, Look Within and Look Beyond - Nurture student thinking in every lesson, every subject.

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